The latest thoughts and adventures of Madam Wilcox


Obviously I think about writing more often than I actually do. There has been so much on my plate lately, mainly the fox hunt. It went wonderfully, absolutely a fabulous group of people showed up to “dispatch” the fox. It was a lovely day and I love camping. It’s such a gift to get out in the wilderness and smell dirt and trees. Breathe.

Next week I have an energy class to teach at the Citadel. Shortly thereafter I teach a Reiki I class. Then, it’s pride parade and I’m in charge of the pony brigade. That should be fun. The summer is quickly coming up and I need it. Breathe.

It’s an important to learn how to truly breathe. In fact, one of my slaves had to learn it recently in a session. It’s a little more poignant with me standing on his chest, but it was sincere. We have to learn to breathe from our centers or our hectic lifestyles will destroy us. Breathe.

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