
Breathe in the seduction of sensual power as you surrender your last freedom. My skillful control in scene leaves an afterglow of wanting more in waves of satisfaction and desire. Be in my presence a slave to my pleasure, a toy of ecstasy and erotic power exchange. I love to play with you and tease you in an intricate weave of whimsy and domination as I balance indulgence and discipline.

The style of play hardly matters as the connection and energy of the power exchange motivate me. I am completely devoted to the lifestyle of BDSM: bondage, discipline, Domination/submission, sadism and masochism. As a safe, sane, consensual Domme, I look beyond the kink to the person and protect you and your experience in an ethical and confidential manner.

I particularly enjoy fetishism as I’m a fetishist myself. The smell of leather, the sight of a slave at my feet or restrained in my bondage, the sound of a clicking lock and the cracking of a whip, the touch of latex, and the taste of your humiliation…they all arouse me. Play time arouses me. My creative passion sets the stage for safe expression of inner desires. I live to engineer fantasies into reality.

All sincere inquires are entertained. Your behavior must be respectful and impeccable at all times. If I decide to play with you it will be because it's My hearts desire to do so. Perhaps you will be so lucky as to be the next toy.

Playtime favorites include, but are in no way limited to:

* Bondage
* Dominance/Submission erotic power exchange
* Animal role-play
* Water sports
* Genitorture
* Electrical
* Play piercing
* Impact
* Role play
* Erotic sensory play
* Fire play
* Medical
* Worship
* Objectification
* Couples
* Something new...

No sex, I do not engage in sexual activities with my play things.

Surrender to The Playful Mistress,
Madam Wilcox

Gifts are always appreciated, but not expected.