The latest thoughts and adventures of Madam Wilcox

Pain and Catharsis

Lark and Keri put on a fantastic class aimed at bottoms and bottoming last night at the SF Citadel. They had a lot to offer and I got a better understanding of what it takes to get at a deeper level of play from the bottom’s perspective. They came from a spiritual and grounded place in their philosophy. I like that.

A little tip I’ll pass on from two very experienced players - the pain level is a choice the bottom chooses. On some level you may already know that and when you really think about it a new level of understanding happens. On a very simple level, tense up and breathe quickly and shallowly and the pain increases. Conversely, if you breathe deep with long exhales and channel the energy consciously, the pain will transform into something else. They brought up the question, what if pain didn’t exist? It’s very true. We’re conditioned to believe certain things about pain. Interesting. I guess in my sadistic way I assumed that if the bottom didn’t know how to channel the energy they deserved to hurt. However, I’ve renewed an interest in assisting the process in a co-creation of the scene. Now I just need some masochists to work out my new theories on.

Bottoms Up!

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