The latest thoughts and adventures of Madam Wilcox


The question of strength has been on my mind lately, perhaps because mine has been so challenged with the personal projects I’ve taken on. In the realm of D/s I have always taken a more Eastern approach to strength. Sometimes it’s misunderstood by those blinded by the illusion of might makes right. I prefer a more spiritual basis of strength. True strength comes from within and does not need to prove itself. The vision that always comes to mind is of the great martial arts masters. They may have spent a life time of beating people down, but in the end they came to the place of just being the power, even in their old age. It was no longer about physical prowess, but energetic embodiment of life force – true power.

While I have my Amazon moments, I much prefer when I’m in My Isis Goddess energy. Admittedly even those moments can be influenced by Artemis. If people can’t see me for who I am, I’m not interested. That particularly goes for game players, but it also goes for people who are stuck in their fantasy and can’t see beyond it. There are so many choices to be made. One is about how we choose to live in our strength. When someone chooses to serve of their own free will from a place of personal strength, that service has a unique integrity. That is what pleases me.


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